



Eager to leave the nest, I joined the marines when I was seventeen. I got to see the world as a young developing artist. Places like Hong Kong, Singapore, and the middle east really influenced my decision to become a visual communicator. I went to design school right after I left the marine corps and excelled even though I had never heard of Adobe before. I felt strong enough in my skill set after two years and went into the workforce with an AA. I started and stayed in entertainment for a large portion of my career. I taught myself After Effects at night while I freelanced Flash work. Soon I started designing motion graphics at mOcean in Venice Beach. I enjoyed freelancing motion graphics for several years.

My brother and I decided to give building our own brand a shot and I did that for many years. I was still animating freelance. After that venture ran its course I decided to take a break from motion to try and plant some roots somewhere. So my hunt for a staff position began. My first go at it was doing print production with Belkin. It was a great experience but when Beachbody presented itself as an opportunity it was a better fit for me at the time. I really enjoy the world of digital design.

I made my way back to entertainment doing digital and print work. I am excited to see what opportunities await.

My creative approach is to find balance. To never let the user feel any sort of sensory aggression. Instead he or she should feel considered and immersed.

In any free time that I have you can find me at the rock climbing gym, or somewhere out in nature. Most of my belongings have chalk on/in them and I wouldn’t have it any other way.





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